The Legacy Clinic is an annual moral diagnostic workshop of the Global Advocacy for African Affairs that x-rays the possible legacies leaders in Africa are leaving behind.
At the Global Advocacy for African Affairs, one of our greatest pillars of existence is to uphold legacies that make a difference. For 67 years, Nelson Mandela devoted his life to improving the lives of other people. He inspired millions of people across the world to work for freedom, justice, and democracy. He became one of the most influential, courageous, and profoundly good human beings that any person will share time with on this Earth. He championed service driven leadership and unwavering commitment to equality, reconciliation, and human dignity which has continued to be a beacon for each future generation seeking a more just and prosperous world.
While we believe leadership is all about legacy, the essence of the Clinic is to diagnose and review the legacy direction of Governments, institutions, political, diplomatic and business leaders in Africa. It is also an avenue where emphases are made on realigning the legacy trajectory of ailing African leaders.
The Focus for us is to have a continent where generations unborn will be proud to call theirs.