Global Advocacy for African Affairs
Business/Economy Industry Leadership/Governance

Africa Transforming: Stories of Innovation and Inspiration

Today, more than ever, African countries are seeking out new opportunities for growth to move beyond business as usual. With a young, ambitious population, steadily growing economies, and pro-innovation investments and reforms, Africa has the people, resources, and political will to overcome challenges and drive its own transformation.

Boosting agricultural productivity, bridging the infrastructure gap, investing in human capital, and improving social inclusion are areas where we can help. While overseeing the World Bank’s operations in Africa, I have seen firsthand how strategic partnerships and investments can facilitate Africa’s own ambitions and solutions for a more prosperous, equitable future. Together, we are changing the narrative on Africa’s development.

The stories in this volume demonstrate the energy and innovation that Africans from all walks of life are injecting into their communities to affect change and inspire others—from the young entrepreneurs who are creating whole new lines of business and employment opportunities in Africa’s fast-growing digital marketplace to the frontline health care workers who are mobilizing higher quality services and outreach to the most vulnerable populations. Backed by the financial and technical support of the World Bank, they represent the best of Africa’s creativity, tenacity, and resilience.

These stories are but a few of the transformations occurring across the continent. I am optimistic about prospects for new models of high and inclusive growth. With the right policies, its ability to leapfrog development hurdles, and the ingenuity of its people, Africa can defy the odds.

By Makhtar Diop

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